Course Catalog
Course ID | Course Name | Course Description | Credit Hours | Syllabus |
BBOG100 | Portfolio Development | This course prepares students to complete their portfolio for the BOG program. Emphasis will be placed on the process of completing a resume, an educational narrative and a work narrative. In addition, examples of how to present and justify work and educational experience for college credit will be covered. | 3 | Syllabus |
BCOM200 | Introduction to Human Communications | This course examines the theoretical foundations of human communication through definitional analysis and examination of communication models, code elements and ethical considerations pertinent to communication in our society. This course provides the opportunity for each student to participate in interpersonal and public speaking presentations to develop his/her skills in interacting with others in both the personal and professional arenas. Please check with your participating institution to determine whether this course is offered on your campus and when it will be offered. | 3 | Syllabus |
BCOM201 | Effective Communication for the Workplace | Effective Communication Skills for the Workplace is a course designed to help individuals learn and practice all sides of effective communication. Regardless of the workplace, effective communication skills are vital to the success of an individual's growth and overall achievement. This course examines five sides of communication: verbal, non-verbal, written, social networking communication, and professionalism. An in-depth study will be completed for each side of communication allowing individuals to evaluate their own communication skills, and then learn strategies and skills through reading, practicing, self-awareness, and developing personal communication goals that will increase the effectiveness of their communication skills. Additionally, the course will explore tips for handling conflict in the workplace utilizing effective communication skills and strategies. | 3 | Syllabus |
BCOM202 | Movies and Meaning: Communication in Film | This course provides valuable insight into the language and symbolism of film and how meaning is conveyed to audiences. Students will explore the techniques and language systems of film and further their appreciation and understanding of why and how viewers respond as they do to different films based on interpersonal, intercultural, verbal and nonverbal communication. Please check with your participating institution to determine whether this course is offered on your campus and when it will be offered. | 3 | Syllabus |
BCOM203 | Human Communication and Rational Decisions | The concepts of argumentation and reasoning are as old as civilization: Homer recounts arguments among the Greeks outside Troy and Isaiah tells us the Lord asked the people to reason together. Yet, today the concept of argumentation is the subject of much difference of scholarly opinion. Many would continue the Platonic and medieval position claiming that argumentation has no relation to communication; others are searching for some accommodation between the two; still others investigate argumentation from the perspective of human communication. The result is a variety of theories of argument each claiming adherence. The purpose of this course is to examine these points of view in depth and to generate by the end of the semester an understanding of each. You are expected to understand all the theories and to argue freely for the point of view you hold. Ultimately, the course will introduce you to contemporary theories of argument, and how claims, evidence, and warrants are used in a variety of fields and domains. You will study in depth the various forms of support such as statistics, anecdotal, an/d critical types of evidence are used throughout academic disciplines and various professions. Please check with your participating institution to determine whether this course is offered on your campus and when it will be offered. | 3 | Syllabus |
BEDU201 | Early Childhood Administration, Management, & Leadership | This course emphasizes the director's responsibility for administrative and leadership roles in child development and education programs. It covers the business and interpersonal skills needed to successfully implement an effective program for young children and their families. Students will learn practical information on all aspects of directing a program including: funding and budgeting, selecting, training, and supervising staff, housing the program, purchasing equipment, and working with children and families. Accrediting and licensing an early childhood center and carrying out program evaluation and quality improvement strategies will also be addressed. | 3 | Syllabus |
BEDU202 | Language & Literacy for Young Children | The purpose of this course is to assist educators in learning more about the foundations of language and literacy development in young children. In addition, the emphasis is placed on integrating all dimensions of literacy across all early childhood environments. | 3 | Syllabus |
BFIN200 | Personal Finance | This course examines the financial problems encountered by the individual in the management of his/her own affairs. Areas covered include budgeting, consumer borrowing, real estate, investments, insurance, taxes, and estate and retirement planning. | 3 | Syllabus |
BHIS100 | History of Early America, from Colonization through the Civil War | This course examines the history of the United States from the arrival of the first English settlers through the end of the Civil War. The course is divided into three eras of study: Colonial America, Revolutionary and Early National America, Ante Bellum Era and the Civil War. Themes of race, slavery, gender, and territorial expansion will be woven into the broader historical narrative of each era. | 3 | Syllabus |
BHLT200 | Principles Of Mental and Emotional Health | A study of mind/body health and the effects of attitudes, emotions, and relationships on physical/mental health. Consideration is given to stress with an emphasis on appropriate management techniques and strategies, and application of these strategies. | 3 | Syllabus |
Course ID | Course Name | Course Description | Credit Hours | Syllabus |